In 2004, after a successful military career, Clint Cluff opened Cluff Mechanical with a mission to provide the highest quality HVAC service at the most reasonable price possible. Quality is what we stand for, and it’s what we pursue on every job with every customer.

When You Need The Best HVAC Services, You Need Cluff
The Highest Quality People
Our HVAC technicians are highly trained, experienced, and professional.
The Highest Quality Parts
Work done with poor materials is poor work. That’s why we only use the best materials.
The Highest Quality Work
Our mission is to do what’s best for you. That means providing the best service at the best prices.
The Best Value
Get the right heating and cooling services done for the right prices.
Here When You Need Us
Cluff Mechanical is dedicated to doing what’s best for you, our customer. That means being available to take your call at all hours. We answer our phones 24 hours a day, so if you wake up at 3 a.m. to a squealing air conditioner and a sweltering hot home, you can call and be assured that we’ll come take care of your air conditioning problem.
When you need the highest quality HVAC service from the highest quality HVAC contractor, call Cluff Mechanical at (602) 765-2665. We’ll take care of you.